Friday, February 14, 2020

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

5 - Assignment Example f dependent variables are fatalities rate, night time fatalities and frequency of accidents based on drunken driving (Benson, et al., 1999; McCarthy & Pedersen, 2009). Frequency of accidents based on drunken driving has a number of attributes such as acquiring a driver’s license by youngsters that can eventually affect the frequency of substance abuse and different male and female drinking ratio affecting the overall frequency (McCarthy & Pedersen, 2009). The examples of independent variables are legal drinking age of people, anticonsumption laws and preliminary breath test laws (Benson, et al., 1999). Enforcement of laws related to drinking is advantageous for the people of any age whether they are youngsters or adults. Legal drinking age of people is an independent variable that has many possible attributes such as deterring drunk driving of youngsters, the legal age is usually twenty one years old in most of the states and the defined legal age for drinking decreases the drinking experience of youngsters while driving (Benson, et al., 1999). Anticonsumption laws are independent variables that have possible attributes like banning usage of alcoholic drinks in automobiles, deterrence of drunk driving and role of police in abstaining people from increasing the probability of alcoholic usage (Benson, et al., 1999). Anticomsumption laws are effective in controlling the issue of drunk driving because of implementation of laws that keep a check on drunk driving and deter dangerous limit of alcoholic usage. The preliminary breadth test laws have possible attributes such as suspension of driving license after identification of alcohol usage by the drivers, deterring future driving after drinking and imposing minimum fines for the law breakage and ensuring future limited usage (Benson, et al., 1999). The law enforcement officials conduct a preliminary breadth test that shows whether the driver is drunk or not. This test makes sure that the driver is not drunk and

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Whys is the issue of accounting for leases problematic and would a Dissertation

Whys is the issue of accounting for leases problematic and would a move to principle based accounting standard improve the situation - Dissertation Example L. 2005). Leases are very common in the economic turnover of enterprises, organizations and individuals. Leases are found in the activity of virtually every entity and individual entrepreneurs. The lease gives up and taken it all: property and land, vehicles and equipment, and even entire businesses. On the one hand, in the absence of sufficient resources for the purchase of labour organizations take them out. This will save considerable money by directing them into circulation, if the leased property is no longer needed, simply to terminate the contract of lease. On the other hand, the landlord is not used in the production of the property is not idle, not transferred to the conservation and rent, resulting in additional income. Such a situation is beneficial to both sides of the transaction. Study of economic relations that arise in various forms of lease, and based on this improvement in the organization of accounting are becoming especially important. When lease accounting as on International and international standards for financial services companies have many questions. Is it classified? Who should reflect the assets on its balance sheet - the proprietor or the tenets? How to distribute income and expenses between reporting periods? In this paper, we consider the differences in approaches to solving these problems, which offer IFRS and RAS. (Nagy, A. L. 2005). Often, organizations and businesses renting property from private individuals and, in most cases, these individuals are employees of the organization. Consider the accounting treatment of costs for renting the property at the following example. Assume that the company rented from an employee... At the conclusion of the lease of a vehicle, the employee passes his own vehicle of his project to a temporary hold on a chargeable basis and he does not use it during the lease term. The company has the right to assume the management of the leased vehicle as the owner, which is the lesser or any other person having the necessary qualifications. Lease agreement is compensated, and the company must pay the tenant rent the cost, size and terms of payment, which is determined by the contract. Enterprise The firm must be legally independent in relation to his (her) to the owner. Current accounts of the owner and the firm are separate, and the responsibilities for the obligations of each other do not intersect. We recognized this principle, but not emphasized. In practice, administrators often confuse his and other people. Accounting system effects Effect of IFRS on the accounting systems of the developed capitalist countries is less significant. This is mainly due to the fact that in most industrialized countries have developed their own well-established principles and traditions of accounting, which satisfy the specific requirements of the national market models. (Nagy, A. L. 2005). For example, in Western Europe and Japan, the main financial flows and investment of the economy are made through banking institutions, and not through the stock exchanges. Therefore, a priority, both legislative and proper accounting regulation is to protect the interests of creditors, rather than meet the information needs of shareholders.