Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cultural Diversity Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Essay

What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by referencing both textbooks. In reading both textbooks and doing further research on the Internet I, believe La Trobe University best summed up the dimensions of cultural diversity. The dimensions of diversity can be divided into two groups, primary dimensions, and secondary dimensions. â€Å"While each dimension adds a layer of complexity to individual identity, it is the dynamic interaction among all the dimensions that in? ences self-image, values, opportunities and expectations† (La Trobe University). Primary dimensions are characteristics unique to an individual. Examples would include age, gender, mental and physical abilities, race, ethnic heritage, and sexual orientation. â€Å"These six differences are termed core dimensions of diversity because they exert an important impact on our early socialization and a powerful, sustained impact on our experiences, values, assumptions and expectations throughout every stage of life. Secondary dimensions are less visible, and many contain a greater element of choice† (La Trobe University). Examples would include geographical location, military and work experience, income, religion, first language, family status, and education. With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe what members of your social circle have in common. I am a White female who grew up in a middle-class environment. I have no specific ethnic or cultural group that I identify with because I am of mixed race. As stated in one our readings there are no longer any â€Å"pure races. My father is Lithuanian, while on my mother’s side there is Bohemian, Italian, and German. I consider myself to be American. While growing up I was exposed to many cultures. I had Whites, African Americans, and Asians in my neighborhood as well as in school. My mother taught me to be open to everyone, no matter his or her skin color, even though she contradicted herself when it came to dating someone from another race. On the other hand, my mother’s family was very prejudice. My first husband was Jamaican and my mother did come to terms with her contradictions in her beliefs. Not one family member from my mother’s side of the family attended my wedding but all family members from my husbands’ family attended. I am thankful for the values my mother instilled in me. What is the difference between diversity and inclusion? According to The University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee (2003), â€Å"Diversity can be defined in many different ways. Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement. Examples of these characteristics are: age; cognitive style; culture; disability (mental, learning, physical); economic background; education; ethnicity; gender identity; geographic background; language(s) spoken; marital/partnered status physical appearance; political affiliation; race; religious beliefs; sexual orientation. † Like diversity, inclusion can be defined in many different ways. Oxford Dictionaries defines inclusion, as the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. Inclusion is to have the same choices and opportunities that other people have. Being appreciated and accepted for whom you are. An inclusive environment is one in which every individual’s unique perspective contributes to the overall success of the organization (Kottak & Kozaitis, 2003). What is the importance of workplace diversity training? If we are to understand the importance of diversity training, we first must define workplace diversity. According to Schaefer (2011), workplace diversity is defined as â€Å"the ways in which people differ that may affect their organizational experience in terms of performance, motivation, communication, and inclusion. Being â€Å"inclusive† means that diverse employees believe that they are vital contributors to the organizational mission, not marginalized, or tolerated. † The importance or advantages of workplace diversity training, affects all areas of business as stated in the following areas. Creativity is increased because different cultures can offer insightful alternatives others may not have considered. Productivity is increased when people of all cultures pull together toward a inspiring goal. New language skills are developed enabling people from other cultures help us understand not just their words but also the meaning behind what they are saying. By connecting to people with different backgrounds, others will gain a greater perspective on how different cultures operate and experience greater success in areas of global business. New processes are created when people with different ideas come together and collaborate. What is your experience with workplace culture? Could there be, or could there have been, more inclusive? I did experience workplace culture while enlisted in the United States Air Force for 10 years. The military employs many people from diverse backgrounds. More than 60 years ago in 1948, Harry S. Truman signed Executive Order 9981 abolishing segregation in the military and ordering full integration of all the services â€Å"without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin. † This order was more symbolic than effective so to level the playing field Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were enacted. Still, these acts did not meet the needs of women in the workforce and the Equal Employment Act of 1972 was signed. The percentage of women enlisting in the Air Force has tripled because this act was signed. Even though I never personally experienced discrimination, being a female in the military, sexual harassment is still a very big issue. The military has tried to take the steps necessary to lessen these issues by having mandatory sexual harassment, sensitivity, and cultural diversity training but these problems still exist. All the training in the world will be of no benefit if military does not take a stand and punish those who do not follow the rules instead of brushing it under the table. Please note that, this is my opinion and does not reflect the opinions of other women in the military.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Drug Dilemmas Essay

Read Case 5.2 on pp. 226- 228 – Drug Dilemmas. (Of course, you must read Chapter 5 prior to reading the case 🙂 Chapter 5 is very interesting in many respects. We need to consider whether corporations have social responsibilities and whether they have moral responsibilities in addition to making profits. You can see it’s a difficult balance to attain. Go to pages 202-203 to read about â€Å"Corporate Moral Agency† and the 2010 Supreme Court ruling giving corporations First Amendment rights. As you know, the First Amendment gives us, among other rights, the freedom of speech. Although corporations had limited â€Å"personhood† rights prior to the 2010 decision, now they have rights indistinguishable from individual citizens. Justice Roberts believes that â€Å"a corporation, just like an individual, has many diverse interests†¦indistinguishable from the individual who owns them.† Now, perhaps we need to reevaluate the responsibilities that accompany the rights given to corporations. If a corporation has rights equal to a living human person, then what responsibilities accompany such important rights? Here are some ideas we should be addressing in this forum: 1. Given the nature of their product, do pharmaceutical companies have ethical responsibilities that other corporations don’t have? In your view, are the large U.S. drug companies good corporate citizens? (Hint: Remember Chapter 2 and the Kantian good will, do no harm, always promote good, categorical imperative, or the utilitarian view of the greatest good for everyone involved.) 2. Assess the motivations of drug companies that do their testing overseas. Do you think test subjects are being exploited? Under what circumstances, if any, are companies morally justified in testing overseas? 3. Finally, do drug companies have an obligation to make new drugs available to patients who were involved in their development in the U.S. or overseas? No, I don’t feel that pharmaceutical companies have ethical respnsiblilities that other corporation don’t have. The reason I feel like this is because pharmaceutical companies have the ability to conduct research and save money and by while conducting their research overseas they avoid any restreiction of the FDA. That when you can go to Kantian good will, do no harm, allways promot good categorical imperative or utilitarian view of the greatest good for everyone involved. To use Kantian again, people are being used as guinea pigs, because when using patients in studies and not being able to contin;ue to help them after the study is not ethical to me. I do think that by tesing overseas the subject is being exploited because the help is not continueouly. They have the ability to test overseas circumvents Let’s engage in this fascinating topic using your knowledge you have gained thus far. The discussions will be grated according to this scale: Very good, 10 points: student demonstrates full understanding of the reading material and application of the material and moral theories to this case. Good, 8-9 points: student demonstrates basic understanding of the reading material and application of the material and moral theories to this case. Fair, 6-7 points: student demonstrates partial understanding of the material, but provides some important insights.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A reflection report and why it is an important task

In this study I am traveling to show my experience with these acquisition tools and engineerings. It will be included my strength, failing, chances I have obtained to increase my surveies every bit good as what are the schemes I am traveling to utilize success my acquisition, what are the breaks for my development, how can I reassign my accomplishments for future calling. On the other manus I am traveling to happen how I can utilize these experiences with other faculty. What are my Strengths? Bing Prepared for Study Study accomplishments questionnaire show I have good betterments in prepared for survey. I have identified my personal resources. I am ever garnering thought from coachs and aged pupils. I have clearly identified what sort of resources do I need to success my academic surveies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am utilizing cyberspace every bit good as library for maintains this quality to send on. I have good thoughts who are the people and topographic points that I can utilize for better my surveies. It seems indecorous survey more helpful to being prepared for survey. Harmonizing Cottrell.S ( 2008, p12 ) Independent survey is â€Å" feature all university programmes. The sum and the sort varies from one programme to another † . Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent survey therefore I can file away my ain success by pull offing my surveies good. Information Technology Study Audit suggests I am good in information engineering. When I was following DNIIT ( sheepskin in national institute of information Technology ) I have used Microsoft office related assignments every bit good as I have good experience with other assortment of package. Today I am utilizing my old experience when I am making my academic acquisition in Northumbria University. So it helps me to make my assignments and everything much easy. Referencing Study accomplishments questionnaire describe I have good thought when I am making referencing for my academic authorship. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this instance I am following â€Å" Cite them right † written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively impacting me to when I am making my assignment in my plan faculty. I know how to bring forth list of mention, understanding about mention beginning. I have got positive feedback from coach about my referencing for formative assignment in undertaking direction faculty. Team Worker Belbin trial consequence shows I am a good squad worker when I am working in a group. By and large most schools and universities depend on persons but late they more sing bettering pupils accomplishments when they are work as a group. It is call as ‘people accomplishments ‘ or ‘interpersonal accomplishments ‘ . Cottrell.S ( 2008, p93 ) . As a squad worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could assist me to pass on with each other ‘s and take others ideas into my group every bit good as I can promote members in my group. I can portion my cognition, thoughts among the group members besides I can promote them, I can listen them eventually I can pull off my group into success. What are my Failings? Organization of larning Kennedy. J ( 2005, p6 ) pointed out â€Å" planning and forming your clip expeditiously enables you to interrupt up long periods of academic survey into realistic and accomplishable aims † . Skill Audit finds I am hebdomad with organisation of larning. I have n’t program for my surveies ; I have n’t good organized my talk notes. In some instance it severely effectual when I am subjecting my assignments, when I am traveling for my talks and when I am confronting to exam. Time Management Study accomplishments questionnaire find I have less ability to pull off my clip. It seems I am off from commanding my ain clip, much clip take to finish undertakings, no clip to liberate. I am non utilizing clip tabular array for my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours works that makes me problem with my assignments deadline. I m non schedule my academic undertakings. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did non understand demand of clip direction. Revision and test techniques Skills Audit suggests I want acquire more experience about alteration and test techniques. Revision we need for to recover of import information, theory and techniques that can utilize for our surveies ( University of Worcester, 2007 ) . This happened I have non utilize any past test documents. It seems I have n’t good schemes for face scrutiny. For an instant I am weak planning clip and get bying with anxiousness in the test room. Opportunities In my applied calculating plan I have to more chance to follow several sort of faculty it is conveying me more chances. Academic communicating This faculty is conveying me grade chances of better my academic authorship accomplishments. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic undertakings. Particularly it guides us to how to utilize English grammar and vocabulary suitably and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communicating faculty is giving right counsel for study authorship. It makes us much easy when we are making our surveies in other faculties. Undertaking direction Project direction is giving experience cognition to pull off single undertakings. It is give more chances project direction techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, programming, estimating, hazard directions are most of import in this faculty. Therefore we are utilizing Microsoft Project as a personal computer based undertaking direction tool. It is more utile for my other faculty for mange the faculty undertaking by utilizing this faculty experience. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design In this faculty we are acquiring more experience about Object-oriented constructs and an object-oriented development procedure. To make this we are utilizing Unified Modeling Language as a methodological analysis. In this faculty we are larning to plan the structural and dynamic facets of information systems utilizing UML. Entrepreneurship and Small Business These faculties helpful to get down our ain concern without any others help. In this faculty we learn demands for startup little concern. It guides to how to construct up compressive concern program to success. We have another chance to acquire concern thoughts to success from top concern work forces because each and every hebdomad different concern work forces carry on our seminars. My schemes to get the better of failing I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my failings. If I need a success in my survey I have to keep my strength continuously I should hold good program to from my failings. aˆ? Schemes for organisation of larning I have identified I have n’t good schemes to be after my surveies. Therefore I need to well program my surveies in each and every faculty we are acquiring coach notes so I need to set up so in to rectify order so it. My following suggestion is I want to give pull off my clip to make my assignments before to deadline. Some clip it will hard me to acquire utilize it because I am ever busy with my work. Schemes for Time Management In this instance I want to be cognizant of my clip in how is wanted to utilize that in proper manner. I suggest I want to do clip tabular array for my surveies. So that I want to be after and form my surveies for an illustration I can be after my academic semester or academic twelvemonth. After that I can look into out my program is working or non decently. It is more of import when I am working with deadlines. I think it is assist me to subject my assignments on clip. Schemes for Time Revision and test techniques To get the better of with this failing I need to read more books and I want more pattern to memorise everything I have studied. I suggest I can utilize my free clip to recover my surveies. I want to take drumhead and need to carefully travel through my talk note after my finish my talks to acquire rid of this failing. I hope to happen out base on balls test documents and travel through that before I face to exam. Some clip it is hard to me happen out exam base on balls documents related to my faculty. Otherwise it will easy for me. Events or people might suppress your development My determination shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is universe celebrated societal networking web site. I think I am exhausted my valuable clip with Facebook. In Facebook I am chew the fating with my friends, I am watching their updates every clip and watching others exposures. So it takes more than two hours per twenty-four hours. It is severely affect me to when I am traveling to my clip for surveies. Normally it takes two or more hours to fix our repasts that besides clip blowing and it cut down our survey clip. In my free clip and weekends I am watching athleticss events or a film or musical plans on Television. These events besides baldly affect to my development. Transportation accomplishments to for future calling aspirations We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our accomplishments and natural abilities are our endowments. Transfer accomplishments are the accomplishments and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life ( occupation, categories, undertakings, avocations, athleticss ) . These abilities are more of import for your future calling. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life ( Leading Org Solutions, 2009 ) Therefore I am traveling to happen out few accomplishments that I can utilize for success my future calling aspirations. Each and every accomplishment we have that are really of import for our hereafter in here I traveling to discourse few of them. Forming work It is more helpful for your future calling. So I can work harmonizing to plane. I can utilize my experience to choose suited undertakings. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to complete my undertaking without any problem. Time Management Each and every undertaking we need to be a proper clip direction. In my future calling I hope to utilize my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without holding any problems. Working with others In this accomplishment it helps me to work as a group. I can portion my cognition with them for archive marks. I can pull off group, I can promote them, I solve jobs, I can work with several people from a assortment of background. Decision Each and every pupil ‘s aspiration is to be success in their instruction. Therefore self rating is most of import step pupil ‘s accomplishments. I think it is utile tools and engineering like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for step pupil ‘s accomplishments. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the failings you should hold overcome. On other manus you have to be cognizant with your surveies that will assist you to understand what the chances you have got. Should hold right identified who are the people and what are the events suppress your development. It will assist you make your larning without blowing your clip. Finally it is truly of import you must hold right thought about reassigning your accomplishments to you future calling. If you follow these stairss accuracy you will decidedly success in your acquisition. A reflection report and why it is an important task In this study I am traveling to show my experience with these acquisition tools and engineerings. It will be included my strength, failing, chances I have obtained to increase my surveies every bit good as what are the schemes I am traveling to utilize success my acquisition, what are the breaks for my development, how can I reassign my accomplishments for future calling. On the other manus I am traveling to happen how I can utilize these experiences with other faculty. What are my Strengths? Bing Prepared for Study Study accomplishments questionnaire show I have good betterments in prepared for survey. I have identified my personal resources. I am ever garnering thought from coachs and aged pupils. I have clearly identified what sort of resources do I need to success my academic surveies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am utilizing cyberspace every bit good as library for maintains this quality to send on. I have good thoughts who are the people and topographic points that I can utilize for better my surveies. It seems indecorous survey more helpful to being prepared for survey. Harmonizing Cottrell.S ( 2008, p12 ) Independent survey is â€Å" feature all university programmes. The sum and the sort varies from one programme to another † . Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent survey therefore I can file away my ain success by pull offing my surveies good. Information Technology Study Audit suggests I am good in information engineering. When I was following DNIIT ( sheepskin in national institute of information Technology ) I have used Microsoft office related assignments every bit good as I have good experience with other assortment of package. Today I am utilizing my old experience when I am making my academic acquisition in Northumbria University. So it helps me to make my assignments and everything much easy. Referencing Study accomplishments questionnaire describe I have good thought when I am making referencing for my academic authorship. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this instance I am following â€Å" Cite them right † written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively impacting me to when I am making my assignment in my plan faculty. I know how to bring forth list of mention, understanding about mention beginning. I have got positive feedback from coach about my referencing for formative assignment in undertaking direction faculty. Team Worker Belbin trial consequence shows I am a good squad worker when I am working in a group. By and large most schools and universities depend on persons but late they more sing bettering pupils accomplishments when they are work as a group. It is call as ‘people accomplishments ‘ or ‘interpersonal accomplishments ‘ . Cottrell.S ( 2008, p93 ) . As a squad worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could assist me to pass on with each other ‘s and take others ideas into my group every bit good as I can promote members in my group. I can portion my cognition, thoughts among the group members besides I can promote them, I can listen them eventually I can pull off my group into success. What are my Failings? Organization of larning Kennedy. J ( 2005, p6 ) pointed out â€Å" planning and forming your clip expeditiously enables you to interrupt up long periods of academic survey into realistic and accomplishable aims † . Skill Audit finds I am hebdomad with organisation of larning. I have n’t program for my surveies ; I have n’t good organized my talk notes. In some instance it severely effectual when I am subjecting my assignments, when I am traveling for my talks and when I am confronting to exam. Time Management Study accomplishments questionnaire find I have less ability to pull off my clip. It seems I am off from commanding my ain clip, much clip take to finish undertakings, no clip to liberate. I am non utilizing clip tabular array for my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours works that makes me problem with my assignments deadline. I m non schedule my academic undertakings. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did non understand demand of clip direction. Revision and test techniques Skills Audit suggests I want acquire more experience about alteration and test techniques. Revision we need for to recover of import information, theory and techniques that can utilize for our surveies ( University of Worcester, 2007 ) . This happened I have non utilize any past test documents. It seems I have n’t good schemes for face scrutiny. For an instant I am weak planning clip and get bying with anxiousness in the test room. Opportunities In my applied calculating plan I have to more chance to follow several sort of faculty it is conveying me more chances. Academic communicating This faculty is conveying me grade chances of better my academic authorship accomplishments. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic undertakings. Particularly it guides us to how to utilize English grammar and vocabulary suitably and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communicating faculty is giving right counsel for study authorship. It makes us much easy when we are making our surveies in other faculties. Undertaking direction Project direction is giving experience cognition to pull off single undertakings. It is give more chances project direction techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, programming, estimating, hazard directions are most of import in this faculty. Therefore we are utilizing Microsoft Project as a personal computer based undertaking direction tool. It is more utile for my other faculty for mange the faculty undertaking by utilizing this faculty experience. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design In this faculty we are acquiring more experience about Object-oriented constructs and an object-oriented development procedure. To make this we are utilizing Unified Modeling Language as a methodological analysis. In this faculty we are larning to plan the structural and dynamic facets of information systems utilizing UML. Entrepreneurship and Small Business These faculties helpful to get down our ain concern without any others help. In this faculty we learn demands for startup little concern. It guides to how to construct up compressive concern program to success. We have another chance to acquire concern thoughts to success from top concern work forces because each and every hebdomad different concern work forces carry on our seminars. My schemes to get the better of failing I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my failings. If I need a success in my survey I have to keep my strength continuously I should hold good program to from my failings. aˆ? Schemes for organisation of larning I have identified I have n’t good schemes to be after my surveies. Therefore I need to well program my surveies in each and every faculty we are acquiring coach notes so I need to set up so in to rectify order so it. My following suggestion is I want to give pull off my clip to make my assignments before to deadline. Some clip it will hard me to acquire utilize it because I am ever busy with my work. Schemes for Time Management In this instance I want to be cognizant of my clip in how is wanted to utilize that in proper manner. I suggest I want to do clip tabular array for my surveies. So that I want to be after and form my surveies for an illustration I can be after my academic semester or academic twelvemonth. After that I can look into out my program is working or non decently. It is more of import when I am working with deadlines. I think it is assist me to subject my assignments on clip. Schemes for Time Revision and test techniques To get the better of with this failing I need to read more books and I want more pattern to memorise everything I have studied. I suggest I can utilize my free clip to recover my surveies. I want to take drumhead and need to carefully travel through my talk note after my finish my talks to acquire rid of this failing. I hope to happen out base on balls test documents and travel through that before I face to exam. Some clip it is hard to me happen out exam base on balls documents related to my faculty. Otherwise it will easy for me. Events or people might suppress your development My determination shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is universe celebrated societal networking web site. I think I am exhausted my valuable clip with Facebook. In Facebook I am chew the fating with my friends, I am watching their updates every clip and watching others exposures. So it takes more than two hours per twenty-four hours. It is severely affect me to when I am traveling to my clip for surveies. Normally it takes two or more hours to fix our repasts that besides clip blowing and it cut down our survey clip. In my free clip and weekends I am watching athleticss events or a film or musical plans on Television. These events besides baldly affect to my development. Transportation accomplishments to for future calling aspirations We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our accomplishments and natural abilities are our endowments. Transfer accomplishments are the accomplishments and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life ( occupation, categories, undertakings, avocations, athleticss ) . These abilities are more of import for your future calling. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life ( Leading Org Solutions, 2009 ) Therefore I am traveling to happen out few accomplishments that I can utilize for success my future calling aspirations. Each and every accomplishment we have that are really of import for our hereafter in here I traveling to discourse few of them. Forming work It is more helpful for your future calling. So I can work harmonizing to plane. I can utilize my experience to choose suited undertakings. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to complete my undertaking without any problem. Time Management Each and every undertaking we need to be a proper clip direction. In my future calling I hope to utilize my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without holding any problems. Working with others In this accomplishment it helps me to work as a group. I can portion my cognition with them for archive marks. I can pull off group, I can promote them, I solve jobs, I can work with several people from a assortment of background. Decision Each and every pupil ‘s aspiration is to be success in their instruction. Therefore self rating is most of import step pupil ‘s accomplishments. I think it is utile tools and engineering like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for step pupil ‘s accomplishments. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the failings you should hold overcome. On other manus you have to be cognizant with your surveies that will assist you to understand what the chances you have got. Should hold right identified who are the people and what are the events suppress your development. It will assist you make your larning without blowing your clip. Finally it is truly of import you must hold right thought about reassigning your accomplishments to you future calling. If you follow these stairss accuracy you will decidedly success in your acquisition.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Use risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate the Essay

Use risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate the disaster management policy-making process - Essay Example Use risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate the disaster management policy-making process The earth has been found to be the only life-supporting planet for now. At least even if humans can live on other planets, it is the earth we all live on now.So if we are talking about keeping the earth intact and productive, then we should be thinking of ways of reducing; if not stopping disasters from occurring. The Assam Government Disaster Management Policy (2010) explains that â€Å"disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, and destruction and devastation to life and property.† Sadly, the source continues to note that â€Å"the damage caused by disasters is immeasurable and varies with the geographical location, climate and the type of the earth surface/degree of vulnerability.† This explanation alone reechoes a very scaring situation whereby the fight against disaster must be embraced with all seriousness and urgency. Speaking of the need to fight disasters, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Disaster Man agement is quoted in World Confederation of Physical Therapy (2011) as pointing to disaster management as the most effective way of fighting disaster; explaining that â€Å"disaster management is the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.† ... At the evaluation stage of policy making, policy makers are offered the opportunity to critically scrutinize the feasibility, achievability, effectiveness and usefulness of any given policy. Having noted this, it is important to appreciate the fact that for disaster management evaluation to go on successfully without any setbacks, there are a number of factors that need to be put in place and a number of mechanisms that need to be used by facilitators. Two of these factors and mechanisms are risk perception and risk communication perspective. These two elements come in best when utilized will ensure that the eventual implementation of disaster management policies achieve their needed results. To this end, this essay seeks to explore the use of risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate a given disaster management policy-making process. Literature Review Overview of disaster management policy making process and its importance Policy making process takes place day i n and out in different quarters of organizational set ups. Even at the national level, there are several policy making processes that take place day in and out. Policy making processes are necessitated when the need to have policies in place arise. Sycamnias (2008) states that â€Å"according to a dictionary definition, policy is "any course of action followed primarily because it is expedient or advantages in a material sense."† Without any question, disaster management is such an important phenomenon that it needs a whole policy formulation to get it underway. As part of the importance of taking disaster management through the policy making process, taking disaster

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Innovation and Technology Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Innovation and Technology Management - Essay Example Compared to recent decades, the current business environment has become highly dynamic and unpredictable. It has customers that are highly demanding and operate in a highly competitive environment. In order to counter these challenges, businesses have been developing new products and services the offer better experiences for its respective consumers. It is important to realize that the success of a business depends on a multiplicity of factors, besides human resource management, technology and innovations (Kleinman 2009, 13). This paper examines the importance of innovation and technology in businesses with emphasis on how these two processes have influenced the success of Apple, a company that has been known for its success in the design and sale of various consumer technologies. Businesses are started with an aim of achieving the set goals and objectives. In this case, the owners and managers have to be creative and devise strategies that can enable them to produce and distribute their goods to their identified markets in the most effective way. Many successful businesses in the world have been founded on carefully developed strategies and approaches that understand the market needs of the people. One of the ways of managing this is having a market research, which is essential in providing information on competitor strategies and the various ways in which the business can satisfy the needs of its market (Thompson 2008, 65). Developing market-oriented products and services is important for the business in order to avoid wastages in the production and distribution of its goods and services. Human resource management is critical in the success of businesses since, it empowers human capital in the business to develop policies and strategies to increase the business’ competitive advantage and market position. Human resource management involves the processes concerned with recruitment, hiring and development of business employees to make it

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic management (Shouldice hospital) Case Study - 1

Strategic management (Shouldice hospital) - Case Study Example The organization largely focused on enhancing the productivity of the organizational staff by rendering training activities and in encouraging the people to take further research work. These activities along with rendering more financial rewards to the hospital staffs in terms of bonuses and other financial gains helped in motivating the people to act more effectively while rendering required services to the employees. However the organization currently is focusing to increase the infrastructural facilities and in increasing the area of the concern to help draw more number of patients from large number of areas. Owing to the above activities the hospital organization helps in the growth of health tourism in the region. The managers of the health organization also worked to enhance the relationship with the trade union bodies which helped in the motivation of the employees in the organization. The focus on the customer profile helped the organization gain a larger market owing to the popularity enabled by the communication activities of the people. The patients having obtained better services from the health concern went on expanding their communication activities praising the activities of the concern. ... strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Strengths of the company refer to the potential of the resource and policy guidelines of the company to capture large markets. Again a company can also suffer from the obsolete range of production and equipment standards which dampens the strength of the company to gain high productivity. The above points focus on the internal position of the company while the strengths and weakness focus on the external situation of the company. Opportunities focus on the advantages that the company gains in respect to the external marketing and social conditions while the act of the other competitors along with the scarcity of the resources results in increase in threat of the company (Hayward, 141). Based on the above discussion the analysis would be done on Shouldice hospital. The hospital organization reflects some potential strength like possessing a strong research team which helps render potential research activities in the field of hernia medic ation. Further the service rendered by the hospital also earns potential popularity among large number of patients in that it helps in rendering low cost medical and operational activities to them. Operational guidelines of the hospital also focused on rendering transparency of information by rendering brochures to the patients including all types of information concerning different types of packages for different types of hernia ailments. The hospital administration also helped the patients to walk around the premises and meet other patients round different corners. This fact further enriched the relation of the organization to its client base. Further strengths possessed by the hospital organization reflected on the large number of nursing staffs which were present in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Harley Davidson Uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Harley Davidson Uk - Essay Example Harley Davidson is one of the top American motorbike manufacturers since the World War I and the early 20th century. It is a brand which has remained a trademark in the motorbike industry. Overall Harley Davidson has been a symbol of class; it has been a symbol of style, design and uniqueness which have always caught Harley lovers and anticipators (Leffingwell, 2003). Meanwhile, the company owns a remarkable place in the heavyweight motorbikes section, especially in cruisers, 500ccs and late 700ccs time after time and trend after trend. This is how the company went on with its journey of success and accomplishment (Dregni, 2010). Today Harley Davidson specializes in the 21st century motorbikes. It specializes in the motorbikes which have design, style, quality and performance altogether. By manufacturing such figurative motorbikes, Harley Davidson addresses the need of the modern day customer, which places the company to respect, value and recognition throughout the world (Qumer, 2012). This section will identify the opportunities and threats for the UK market. It will highlight the outer business environment in which Harley Davidson will function for the next three years period (Cheverton, 2005). UK falls in the Westminster system- a system of strong democratic control with assurance of law and constitutional supremacy (BBC, 2011). The political system of the region is quite stable led by one top parliamentary executive – The Prime Minister. The structure ensures that checks and balances are there from top to bottom in the system in order to bring corruption control throughout the political and business regulations. Apart from all, as The Guardian describes, UK is one of the most successful countries in so far for maintaining the rule of law, government effectiveness, and control over tax and trade policy matters (Wearden, 2013). This provides opportunities to new business

Ethics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Ethics Assignment - Essay Example Most assuredly is the fact that making a personal choice to ethics requires much thought, information, and the free will to make such a choice while knowing of the resultant consequences. Indeed, personal ethics affects individuals and their society. Ethics should therefore promote our prioritization and achievement of our core values. Ideally, personal ethics may relate to our religion, virtues, morals, and the community we live in. Personal ethics reflect in ones standards of honesty, courtesy, respect, integrity, trust, harmony, truth, justice, and loyalty (Shay Web). More so, personal ethics vary from one person to another and their effects equally vary. Personally, I believe that my ethics are developing as I grow up. I am an honest, responsible, and respectable person. More so, these are my personal choices that define my personality and my morality. Nevertheless, these attributes have grown with time and various factors propagate the development of these ethics. I think that the development of such ethics comes with time and relate to the environment. For example, I can easily remember that initially I was not an honest person until my teacher and parents sought to intervene in my way of life. My teacher taught me on how to remain honest despite the many possibilities that might force me to compromise. At the same time, my parents ensured that I stick to what is ethical as I grew to an adolescent. Hence, the value of honesty developed in me from my teachers and parents with time. In addition, I relate the development of my personal ethics to the environment where I live. I grew in an environment where the society advocated for the respect of the elderly, law, and leaders. As such, with time I d eveloped this virtue and have since adopted it. Therefore, by interacting with peers and environment that promotes these virtues, it was easier for me to choose them as my environment promoted

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Decision-Making Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decision-Making Paper - Essay Example 317). Decisions made by groups are usually hamstrung by the need to reach a consensus. Consensus calls for parties to a discussion to have the same comprehension of the terms under discussion. The procedure for building a consensus involves discussion, fronting a proposal, testing for the consensus in terms of no and yes, modification of the proposal in question, and determination if the consensus is achieved or blocked (Herera, Martinez and Sanchez, 2005, p. 118). There are five processes of decision making. These processes are: acknowledgement of the existence of a situation that needs decision making, identifying and establishing alternative solutions to the problem or opportunity, evaluation on the available options or alternatives, choice of an alternative, and implementing the selected option (Amadi-Echendu, 2012, 115). The main models of making decisions are the rational model, the intuitive model, the combination model, and satisfying model. The rational decision making model is an approach to decision making in a structured and sequential form. It incorporates a series of steps such as the identification of problem or opportunity, gathering information, analysis of the situations to develop and evaluate options, selection of an alternative, and acting on the decision chosen. It is an ideal model since it provides a discipline channel of making decision. However, this model is quit time consuming as it involves investigation of the existing problems or opportunity before the course of action is made (Amadi-Echendu, 2012, p. 117). On the other hand, the intuitive decision making model is based on an individual making a decision based on instincts or inner knowing or intuitions. This technique is ideal in situations that require prompt/ timely decision making. The combination technique encompasses the incorporation of both the rational and intuitive approaches to making a decision. As for satisfying method, it

Friday, August 23, 2019

Employment At Will Doctrine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employment At Will Doctrine - Assignment Example Therefore, even when there is no written contract between the employer and the employee, as long as there was an oral contract, termination of employment should only be for cause and the correct procedures have to be followed (Arnow-Richman,  Glynn, & Sullivan, 2007). The covenant of good faith exception states that the dismissal of an employee is illegal if it is done with malicious intentions or in bad faith, e.g., firing an employee just before a large commission on the job completed is payable. Apart from common law exceptions, there are also other statutory exceptions that are not as popular as their counterparts and have not been widely adopted in many states, for most are similar to the common law exceptions (Stone,  2007). In regard to the first case where one of the employees posted a rant on Facebook criticizing the company’s most important customer, it is very clear that he has gone against the good will of the company and his actions can cause a great loss to t he company. Posting a rant on social media amounts to engagement in matters of public interest and going against professional code of ethics. Therefore in regard to the doctrine, publicly criticizing the company’s most important customer is against the company’s ethics, hence the best decision will be to fire him and that will not cause the company any legal damages (Johnson & Wall Jr., 2006). In the second case, Jim sent an email to other salespeople protesting a change in commission schedules and bonuses and suggesting everyone boycott at the next sales meeting. Jim has the freedom to exercise his right of expression. This is the contravention of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. The... With this security established, the employees will prefer to report any illegal undertakings internally rather than externally, hence giving the company a chance to deal with the affairs appropriately, reducing the risk of bad publicity. A good whistleblower policy should clearly define what type of acts need to be reported. This is to prevent reporting of petty issues that can be dealt with at lower management levels. Also, the issues to be reported should be those that involve breaking of companies’ regulations or public policy. It should also clearly define the channels to be followed when reporting any wrongdoing. This will avoid information getting into the wrong hands who may use it for blackmail instead of taking the necessary action. The policy should also have general regulations that protect the whistleblowers. Therefore, for any company aiming to reduce scuffles between the management and employees, it should adopt a good whistle blower policy, follow the employment -at-will doctrine together with the exceptions, and try as much as possible to use utilitarianism in decision making. In as much as both the common law and the exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine exist, the presumptions still remain a very important feature in many organizations. An employee may have a lot of claims, but it may be hard to prove them. Apart from that, the claims may be not recognized in some jurisdictions since the interpretation of the protections and exceptions in the common law may be misconstrued.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Fitzgerald Tell the Story in Chapter 1 of the Great Gatsby Essay Example for Free

How Fitzgerald Tell the Story in Chapter 1 of the Great Gatsby Essay Write about some of the ways Fitzgerald tells the story in chapter 1 The chapter begins with Nick Carraway introducing himself as the narrator. Fitzgerald uses a first-person retrospective narrative, therefore we are given Nicks point of view throughout. The chapter begins with Nick remembering his father’s advice that â€Å"all people in this world haven’t had the advantages that [he’s] had† this tells the reader that the main theme of the novel is wealth. The use of the word â€Å"advantages† suggests that Nick comes from a wealthy family. Fitzgerald makes Nick claim that â€Å"I’m inclined to reserve all judgements† yet quickly contradicts this he tells â€Å"the intimate revelations of young men† are â€Å"marred by obvious suppressions†, by Fitzgerald doing this, the audience are given an opinion on Nick, realising he is likely to be an unreliable narrator. However when Nick says â€Å"I’m inclined to reserve all judgements† the reader may also feel that Nick will give a true and honest account of the events and will not be biased against any of the characters. Fitzgerald uses this chapter to set the scene of the novel. Fitzgerald makes it clear through Nick’s narration that the events within the novel have already taken place â€Å"back from the East last autumn†, the reader instantly knows that we will be given an interpretation of the events and they will all be from Nicks point of view. Nick talks about â€Å"Midas and Morgan and Maecenas† all three of these men were renowned for their wealth. Morgan and Maecenas were real men, whereas Midas’s story is a Greek myth. By mentioning both myth and reality in the first chapter Fitzgerald tells the reader that myth and reality will be mixed throughout the novel. Fitzgerald introduces most of the main characters within this chapter as part of the establishment of the text. Gatsby is the first to be introduced excluding Nick, which could suggest that Gatsby is the protagonist of the novel. Later on in the chapter we are introduced to Tom, Daisy and Jordan as Nick goes to a dinner party over at East egg. Fitzgerald has Nick use exaggerations of expressions and body language to create an impression of Tom Buchannan and the others in East egg. Fitzgerald has Nick harshly describe Tom as being â€Å"arrogant† and powerful â€Å"not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide the enormous power of that body† by using this description Fitzgerald highlights his role as a dominant male, Fitzgerald supports this by the use of direct speech from Tom â€Å"I am stronger and more of a man than you are†, this again shows that Tom believes  he is above everybody else again re-enforcing his arrogance. Fitzgerald uses oxymoron’s to describe the way in which Tom handles Nick â€Å"he turned me around again politely and abruptly† this shows that Nick as a narrator is contradicting himself hence causing the reader to question his narrat ion once again. Throughout the chapter, Nick uses adverbs such as â€Å"accusingly† and â€Å"helplessly† when referring to Daisy, allowing Fitzgerald to give the impression that she is dominated by Tom and that they are living in a patriarchal society. This contrast is displayed by Nick’s use of adverbs such as â€Å"decisively†, â€Å"restlessly† and â€Å"crossly† when retelling Tom’s speech, showing Tom’s power. During the dinner where also introduced to myrtle in a way as her phone call interrupts dinner, we also find out about how Jordan talks about her Tom and his family, â€Å"Tom’s got some woman in new York†, therefore showing she’s not a very trustworthy character. Fitzgerald also uses simile’s to add more emphasis to the point he is making â€Å"compelled me to the room as though he were moving a checker to another square†, this also shows Tom’s power. towards the end of the chapter Nick witnesses Gatsby standing at the end of his lawn, nick describes the way in which Gatsby held out his arms as â€Å"curious† this gives the reader an urge to want to read on and find out what the green light is and what significance it holds in relation to Gatsby. Fitzgerald makes Nick use the word â€Å"vanished† at the end of the chapter which give the chapter a more dramatic end.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Keystone Foundation A Organisation Located At Kotagiri History Essay

Keystone Foundation A Organisation Located At Kotagiri History Essay Keystone Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation located at Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu. Keystone started their operations with the indigenous communities of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (NBR) in the year 1996. The idea for a livelihood intervention in the Nilgiris came up with a survey of the apiculture which the founders of Keystone took in the year 1994. This survey brought then in touch with the local communities living in the area and provided them an insight into the conditions of the tribal communities living in the NBR. The various issues faced by the local communities were as follows: Exploitation of tribal people by the middlemen/traders A lot of unfair practices with respect to weights and measures were being used by the middlemen The tribes had a poor bargaining power with the traders and had to sell their produce within days/weeks Most of the NTFP that the communities dealt with were directly linked to the problem of conservation of forests. The visit also provided them with more information about socio-cultural aspects of the communities. The larger issues of changes in land use, reduction in forest cover, overuse of fertilizers and pesticides came to the fore The Keystone foundation thus started its work in 1996 with the mission to enhance the Quality of life and the Environment with indigenous communities using eco-developmental approaches and sought to intervene in the NTFP space. Today, it has completed more than a decade in the Nilgiris and works with the communities on a whole lot of issues like apiculture, NTFP, water and land management, development of micro-enterprises and a whole lot of other issues that concern the people of this region. The communities impacted The NBR is home to a many indigenous communities. Hunting and food gathering are the prime occupation to many of these communities. The reserve contains various communities like Paniyas, Irulas, Kurumbas, Kuruchiyans, and Mullukurumbas etc. Each of these communities differs from the rest in some particular characteristic. Keystone works with the Kurumba and the Irula communities. Both the communities are pre-agricultural communities. Shifting agriculture was practised among the Irulas until some time ago. Today, most of these communities have settled down in a permanent place in the Nilgiris and have demarcated their land for agriculture. A mixed cropping system comprising of millets, maize, vegetable and fruits etc. is followed by the communities. Both Kurumbas and Irulas are primarily into honey hunting. While the former specialises in rock honey hunting the later community is involved in tree honey hunting. Both the communities are known for their methods of collection of plants ( for food and medicine) from the surrounding forests. The need for Intervention The intervention by Keystone Foundation was initiated to solve some of the following issues faced by the communities: The womenfolk of both the communities suffered from low blood count and anaemia. They often fell ill. Lack of nutritious food was one of the prime reasons for the low immunity which increased the susceptibility to diseases. Traditional practices which these tribes followed were on the decline. There was also a shift in the agriculture from food to plantation crops. Exploitation by middlemen and traders in the process of getting their produce to the market Degradation of forests at a rapid pace The Intervention Keystone planned its intervention in the following manner: Conduct a survey of flora and fauna available in the regions and document them. In addition to this, the various methods to harvest NTFP were also documented. Design a plan to obtain NTFPs from local sources at regular intervals Add value to the NTFP product through various means Set up a system of fair weights and measures together with a payments system that is transparent Generate employment opportunities for the tribal community in the process of value addition Help in setting up micro enterprises which will add value to the community through skill development Common Property Resources: The adivasi communities were dependent on common property resources like pasturelands for the purpose of agriculture. The manner in which these commons were use played an important part in the development of the community. The success of any institution built on these commons depended on the tenure rights the community had on the commons. There has been large scale encroachment on the commons and keystone had to work in clearing these hurdles before it could proceed further. The interests of other villagers in claiming forests as common property reduce if forests are encroached by a private owner. Old animosity also surface in collective actions in villages which can lead to a breakdown of the institution. Normally, lands are registered with a common title for the whole community in the case of adivasis. The very fact that the boundaries of these lands are not very clearly marked makes it difficult for the adivasi communities to claim them and easier for the private owners to encroach upon them. To help the villagers take up farming, Keystone first set out to help them demarcate their land. Staff from Keystone used GPS systems to identify the boundaries and marked them with plant species like Agave, Sapindus which were planted on these boundaries by the communities themselves. The identification of boundaries required many rounds of negotiations with the estate owners in area and also the help of forest guards. This helped many villages in recovering land for their common use. Around 27 acres that were taken away under a social forestry scheme was recovered by the villagers of Nedugalcombei. Vellericombei and Pudurcombei recovered 90 and 65 acres respectively. These plots were again demarcated by planting trees at the boundaries. In fact, Keystone with the support of villagers succeeded in recovering 80 acres of village land from Sajbhas Estate by getting into litigation for the same. This land has now been put to good use by cultivating millets, vegetables, coffee and spice s on it. The lands belonging to the adivasis in the Kotagiri and Coonoor regions have low biomass content. Most of these lands lie in the rain shadow region and are prone to landslips and erosions. Keystone supported the communities further by helping with the preparation of the lands that have been marked. This involved the process of building bunds and gully plugs of stone, helping to grow vegetative bunds on steep slopes and making contour trenches. The steps to improve the conditions of soil like mulching and increasing biomass were also undertaken. In addition to the above steps, Keystone also played the facilitators role in creating a nursery, a seed bank, improving the methods of irrigation used and helping then to use tanks made out of polyline from storing water. The villagers went through training courses in organic farming techniques which helped them to shift to the organic method. Additional capacity building measures in the form credit facilities and revolving fund was created for every group of farmers formed. These groups were formed in order to contribute labour to the land preparation activities. Each of the revolving funds was handled by the members of the co mmunity. Prior to the tasks of land preparation, Keystone engaged in a dialogue with the community to revive the traditional farming practices used by the community. An interaction between the elders and the youngster of the community help in bringing out many traditional practices and food recipes to the notice of the younger generation. Setting up of NTFP based micro enterprises Keystone Foundation set up micro enterprises to work on the processing of the non timber forest produce gathered by the villagers. These enterprises were set up with the following objectives in mind: To increase the income and employment in the village To help in improving infrastructure and knowledge skills of the tribals To help them understand the importance of adding value to the NTFPs so that they can obtain better returns for the same. The infrastructure for the enterprises was established by Keystone with the help of the donor funds it received for the purpose. The member of the community who were interested in getting involved with the functioning of the micro enterprises was grouped together. These groups governed the functioning of the community centres. The staff members from Keystone were involved in the day to day functioning of these centres and in the process the community members were also trained to do the same. These production centres were started with the aim of converting them into community managed institutions which were managed by the local community. The production centres were set up with the following factors in mind: Location: Each centre was located at a place that was easily accessible to the member of the various communities Processing: There was a restriction placed on the kind of NTFPs a centre could produce. Only the forest products that were available in plenty in the region were processed by that centre. Infrastructure: The provision for infrastructure was taken care by the foundation Management: The members of the community managed the functioning of the production centres. Protecting the commons One of the most used raw materials by the communities under the intervention of Keystone was the NTFPs. The usage of these had to be monitored regularly to prevent misuse and extinction of the resource. Keystone has come up with a good monitoring system in order to ensure that the stock of NTFPs is not used completely. The system works on the basis of trust within the community. As the tribal communities have a strong bond with each other, any action by any of the member will be known to the other members of the community. Keystone built a system of monitoring by the villagers that worked on this trust. The main features of the system were: Monitoring the farms of the group members by a villager. The people of the community took turns to perform the monitoring Frequent visits by Keystone staff to inspect the local farms. These visits also helped the staff to provide any suggestion to the member on how to improve on their farming methods This method of ecological monitoring that is followed by Keystone helps in maintains the livelihood of the members. A couple of examples of monitoring of the resource extraction are cited below: For NTFPs: The various characteristics of a new batch of honey that is brought in by the tribal are documented by Keystone. The documentation contains following data: Name of the honey hunters who extracted it The composition of the honey in terms of its water content The location of the hives i.e. the area where it is found and the height of the combs Details of the colonies of bees harvested etc Maps depicting the honey zones in the locality have been plotted. In order to maintain the gene pools, Keystone has labelled some of the locations as god cliffs. Any honey brought in by a new person is checked for its properties through various means before it can be accepted by the foundation. For cultivated produce: Keystone captures the various data of the farmers and verified any produce that is brought in using these records. This helps in keeping a check on over use of mismanagement of the resources. Leadership: At different stages in the intervention, Keystone foundation sought the help of leaders of the tribal communities for the mobilisation. As most of the tribal communities have closely knit society, the presence of the local leaders has played a very important role in the intervention by the foundation. With the setting up of seed banks and production centre, many of the locals were encouraged to take up leadership roles in the community. This ensured the continuous development of leaders with the villagers. Collective Entrepreneurship: Each of the production centres that processed the NTFPs gathered by the community members were managed by 4-6 members of the community. These centres were operated by these members on a rotational basis. The participants were all skilled in processing of NTFP that were gathered from the forests. These products produced were marketed at the Green Shop that were established by the foundation at selected locations. Conclusion The intervention by Keystone foundation in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve is an example of collective action on behalf of the tribal communities that inhabit this region. The initial phase of the intervention started off by getting the community members together to believe in collective action. Slowly over a period of time, with the support of the communities, Keystone was able to identify the commons and come up with a system of monitoring operated by the community members themselves. The controlled usage of the common resources led to an improvement in the status of the member of the communities. Keystone also succeeded in bringing about collective entrepreneurship among the tribes in order to market the products made by their people.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Qualitative Tests Used For Carbohydrates Biology Essay

Qualitative Tests Used For Carbohydrates Biology Essay Carbohydrates are an essential component of our diet and an important source of energy for us. Most of the things generally included in our diet have a large ratio of carbohydrates present. Also the patients suffering from Diabetes excrete huge amounts of sugar in their urine which needs to be estimated. The purity of carbohydrates can also be checked by methods which can qualitatively estimate particular sugars. Hence the need for carbohydrate estimation arose. We have been estimating carbohydrates qualitatively since school time but it was just confined to observing a colour change or a coloured precipitate to detect the presence of a carbohydrate. None of us ever thought that these qualitative tests are highly sensitive and provide much more information than just detecting the presence of a sugar. In this study conducted, two qualitative tests used for carbohydrates were studied: Benedicts test and Seliwanoffs test. Benedicts test is a test used for detecting the presence of Reducing Sugars. The test was performed using Glucose which is the most common reducing sugar. Sucrose was used as a negative control. Different concentrations of glucose were tried ranging from 1.6 M to 1.6 mM and from 4% to 0.25%.Also along with concentration the amount of sugar was varied to find the sensitivity limits and the limitations of the test. The result of Benedicts test is usually a brick red precipitate but with some modifications different colours of solutions and different amounts of precipitate could be observed with slight variation in the concentration and amount of sugar. This suggests that this test being Qualitative is not only an indicator of the presence or absence of a reducing sugar but can also be used to roughly estimate the concentration of sugar present. It can be very useful in estimation of the concentration of sugar present in the urine of diabetic patients. Seliwanoffs test is a qualitative test used for distinguishing between Aldoses and ketoses. Ketoses form a cherry red condensation product whereas Aldoses react to form a blue-green condensation product, which may further change to a peach product. The test was performed using fructose as the sample sugar. Various concentrations of Fructose were used ranging from 4% to 0.01% to find the sensitivity limits and the limitations of the test. The test appeared to be sensitive even at 0.01% showing a very faint red colour. There was a huge variation in the intensity of colour obtained at different concentrations of sugar. But the drawback of the test was that the red colour of the solution was not stable. It intensified with increase in the duration of time. 2. INTRODUCTION Carbohydrates are the most abundant bio molecules on Earth. Each year, photosynthesis converts more than 100 billion metric tons of CO2 and H2O into cellulose and other plant products. Certain carbohydrates (sugar and starch) are a dietary staple in most parts of the world, and the oxidation of carbohydrates is the central energy-yielding pathway in most non-photosynthetic cells. Insoluble carbohydrate polymers serve as structural and protective elements in the cell walls of bacteria and plants and in the connective tissues of animals. Other carbohydrate polymers lubricate skeletal joints and participate in recognition and adhesion between cells. More complex carbohydrate polymers covalently attached to proteins or lipids act as signals that determine the intracellular location or metabolic fate of these hybrid molecules, called glycoconjugates. .Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, or substances that yield such compounds on hydrolysis. Many, but not all, carbohydrates have the empirical formula (CH2O)n; some also contain nitrogen, phosphorus, or sulphur. There are three major size classes of carbohydrates: monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides Classification Carbohydrates can be classified on the basis of the various characteristics they possess. They can be classified on the basis of the number of carbon atoms in the sugar chain, the terminal functional group in the chain, the number of sugar subunits and the reducing activity of the sugar units. Depending on various basis they are of several types: A. According to the number of carbon atoms in the sugar chain: 1. Trioses: contain 3 carbon atoms (e.g. glyceraldehyde). 2. Pentoses: contain 5 carbon atoms (e.g. ribose). 3. Hexoses: contain 6 carbon atoms (e.g. glucose). B. According to the terminal functional group in the sugar chain: 1. Aldoses: contain terminal aldehyde group (-CHO) (e.g. glucose). 2. Ketoses: contain terminal ketone group (C=O) (e.g. fructose). C. According to the number of sugar subunits: 1. Monosaccharides: Monosaccharides, or simple sugars, consist of a single polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone unit. The most abundant monosaccharide in nature is the six-carbon sugar D-glucose, sometimes referred to as dextrose. 2. Oligosaccharides: Consist of short chains of monosaccharide units(2-10) joined by characteristic linkages called glycosidic bonds. The most abundant are disaccharides, with two monosaccharide units. e.g. sucrose (cane sugar), which consists of the six-carbon sugars- D-glucose and D fructose. 3. Polysaccharides: The polysaccharides are sugar polymers containing more than 20 or so monosaccharide units, and some have hundreds or thousands of units. Some polysaccharides, such as cellulose, are linear chains; others such as glycogen, are branched. Both glycogen and cellulose consist of recurring units of D-glucose, but they differ in the type of glycosidic linkage and have different properties and biological roles. . D. According to the reducing activity of the sugar unit: Carbohydrates that can undergo oxidation are called reducing sugars. This depends on the presence of an exposed carbonyl group. 1. Reducing sugars: Certain sugars with a free carbonyl carbon can be oxidized by oxidizing agents such as ferric (Fe3) or cupric (Cu2) ion. The carbonyl carbon (anomeric carbon) is oxidized to a carboxyl group. Such sugars capable of reducing ferric or cupric ion are called Reducing sugars. e.g. lactose, maltose. 2. Non-reducing sugars: Sugars like sucrose contain no free anomeric carbon atom since the anomeric carbons of both monosaccharide units are involved in the formation of glycosidic bond. Therefore it is a Non-Reducing sugar. 2.1 Biochemical Tests for Carbohydrates The biochemical tests for carbohydrates can be divided into two categories: Qualitative Tests- These tests are performed to detect the presence of carbohydrates in a test sample. They are also used to detect the type of carbohydrate present. There are different types of qualitative tests for different types of carbohydrates. e.g. Fehlings and Benedicts test for reducing sugars, Seliwanoffs test for ketoses, Iodines test for starch,Bials test for detecting pentoses etc. They are not very sensitive as compared to quantitative tests and cannot estimate the exact amount of carbohydrates present but show some difference in the observation with variation in the amount of carbohydrate hence, can be used to make a rough estimate of the amount of sugar present. Quantitative Tests- These tests are the advanced form of qualitative tests and can be used to estimate the amount of carbohydrate present in a given sample. These tests use particular chemicals which form coloured complexes with sugars which can then be read at certain wavelengths using a spectrophotometer. Their absorbance can then be used to estimate the exact amount of carbohydrate present in the sample. e.g. Anthrone test, DNS Method, Phenol- Sulphuric Acid Method etc. 2.11 Qualitative Test Flow Chart for classifying an unknown carbohydrate A. Molisch Test Molisch test is used to distinguish between carbohydrates and non- carbohydrates. It is the preliminary test used to detect the presence of carbohydrates in a sample. Principle It uses concentrated sulphuric acid as a Dehydrating acid which dehydrates all carbohydrates to form Furfural or 5-hydroxymethylurfural from reaction of sulphuric acid with pentoses and/or hexoses. These products condense with ÃŽ ±-naphthol to yield a purple condensation product. B. Iodine and Potassium Iodide Test This is a test used particularly to detect starch and glycogen. Starch gives a blue-black colur with potassium iodide whereas glycogen gives reddish-brown colour. Principle Starch contains ÃŽ ±-amylose, a helical saccharide polymer, and amylopectin. Iodine forms a large complex polysaccharide with the ÃŽ ±-amylose helix, producing a blue-black colour. Simple Oligosaccharides and Monosaccharides do not form this complex with Iodine. Thus, the I2/KI test can be used to distinguish starches from other carbohydrates. C. Bials Test Bials test is used to distinguish between pentoses and hexoses. Principle This test uses concentrated hydrochloric acid as the dehydrating acid and orcinol with a trace of iron(III) chloride as the condensation reagent.. Pentoses subjected to the test yield a blue or green condensation product, while hexoses yield a muddy brown to grey condensation product. Pentose Dehydration Product Blue or Green condensation product (Furfural) Hexose Dehydration Product Muddy brown-Grey condensation product (5-hydroxymethylfurfural) D. Seliwanoffs Test Seliwanoffs test is used to distinguish between aldoses and ketoses. Principle This test uses 3N hydrochloric acid as the dehydrating agent as resorcinol as the condensation reagent. When mixed with Seliwanoffs Reagent, Ketopentoses react within 2 minutes to form a cherry red condensation product. Aldopentoses react after 2 minutes to form a blue-green condensation product, which may further change to a peach product. Fructose Hydroxy-methyl Cherry-Red Complex Furfural Identifying Reducing Sugars All mono and disaccharides with a free aldehyde or keto group act as reducing agents in alkaline solutions. The reducing properties of sugars are dependent upon the presence of actual or potential aldehyde or ketone groups. The enolization of sugars under alkaline conditions is an important consideration in reduction tests. The ability of a sugar to reduce alkaline test reagents depends on the availability of an aldehyde or keto group for reduction reactions. A number of sugars, especially disaccharides or polysaccharides have glycosidic linkages which involve bonding between each group, and hence there is no reducing group on the sugar; such as the case for sucrose, trehalose, inulin, glycogen, starch, and dextrin. In the case of reducing sugars, the presence of alkali causes extensive enolization especially at high pH and temperature. This leads to a higher susceptibility to oxidation reactions than at neutral or acidic pH. These sugars, therefore, become potential agents capable of reducing Cu+2 to Cu+, Ag+ to Ag and so forth. Reducing sugars can react with many different oxidizing agents. Fehlings test, Benedicts test and Barfoeds test have been used to distinguish between monosaccharides and disacc harides Monosaccharides fluctuate between a ring open form and a ring closed form. The ketone (-C=O) group, for Fructose and the aldehyde group (-CHO), for Glucose in the ring open forms can be reduced using these tests. Some sugar units in disaccharides also fluctuate between a ring open form and a ring closed form. These disaccharides are also reducing sugars because the ring open form has a ketone or aldehyde to react. Sucrose is one of the few disaccharides that do not have a ring open form so it is a non-reducing sugar.  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ Ring Open Fructose and Ring Closed Fructose Ring Open Glucose and Ring Closed Glucose Reducing Sugars are oxidized by copper (II) ions. Benedicts reagent and Fehlings Reagent are mildly basic solutions whereas Barfoeds Reagent, a mildly acidic solution. The presence of red copper (I) oxide precipitate indicates that the saccharide has reduced the copper (I) ions. E. Fehlings test Principle Fehlings test uses a mixture of fehlings solution A and B. Fehlings solution A consists of copper(II) sulphate dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid. Fehlings solution B is sodium potassium tartarate dissolved in dilute NaOH. Both the solutions are mixed in equal proportions and used as fehlings reagent. This reagent is used as a general test for detecting reducing sugars. A reducing sugar reduce copper(II) ions to copper(I) oxide, forming a red precipitate. CuSO4Cu++ + SO4 2 Cu++  + Cu+ Glucose (Reducing Sugar) Cu+Cu2O (red precipitate) Cuprous Oxide F. Benedicts test Principle Benedicts test uses a mixture of copper(II) sulphate, sodium citrate, and sodium carbonate in a mildly basic solution. This reagent is used as a general test for detecting reducing sugars. A reducing sugar reduce copper(II) ions to copper(I) oxide, forming a red precipitate. CuSO4Cu++ + SO4- (Copper Sulphate) (Cupric Ion) (Sulphate Ion) 2 Cu++  + Cu+ Glucose (Reducing Sugar) Cu+Cu2O (red precipitate) Cuprous Oxide G. Barfoeds Test Benedicts test gives positive test results for all reducing sugars. However, not all reducing sugars react at the same rate. With different oxidizing agents, disaccharides are considerably less reactive compared to monosaccharides. A positive Barfoeds test result is similar to that observed with Benedicts solutions. Monosaccharides give positive Barfoeds test results within 2-3 minutes, while disaccharides do not react under the same conditions. Principle Barfoeds test uses copper(II) ions in a slightly acidic medium. If the reaction time is carefully monitored, this test can be used to distinguish reducing monosaccharides from reducing disaccharides. Reducing disaccharides cause the formation of copper(I) oxide after approximately 10 minutes. (CH3COO) 2Cu + 2H2O 2 CH3COOH + Cu(OH)2 Cu(OH)2 CuO+ H2O 2CuO  +Cu2O (red precipitate)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Glucose) Reducing Sugar 2.12 Quantitative Tests A. Determination of Total Carbohydrate by Anthrone Method Principle Carbohydrates are first hydrolysed into simple sugars using dilute hydrochloric acid. In hot acidic medium glucose is dehydrated to hydroxymethyl furfural. This compound forms with anthrone a green coloured product with an absorption maximum at 630 nm. HCl anthrone Carbohydrate furfural/hydroxymethyfurfural Green product (630 nm) B. Phenol Sulphuric Acid Method for Total Carbohydrate Principle In hot acidic medium carbohydrates are dehydrated to furfural/hydroxymethyl furfural. This forms a green coloured product with phenol and has absorption maximum at 490 nm. H2SO4 phenol Carbohydrate furfural/hydroxymethylfurfural Green product (490 nm) C. Determination of Reducing Sugars by Nelson-Somogyi Method The Nelson-Somogyi method is one of the classical and widely used methods for the quantitative determination of reducing sugars. Principle The reducing sugars when heated with alkaline copper tartarate reduce the copper from the cupric to cuprous state and thus cuprous oxide is formed. When cuprous oxide is treated with Arsenomolybdic acid, the reduction of molybdic acid to molybdenum blue takes place. The blue colour developed is compared with a set of standards in a colorimeter at 620 nm. Cu2O+ Arsenomolybdate Molybdenum Blue (Cuprous Oxide) (500 nm) D. Estimation of Reducing Sugar by Dinitrosalicylic Acid Method This method is an alternative to Nelson-Somogyi method. It is a simple, sensitive and adoptable method during handling of a large number of samples at a time. However,  enzymatic  methods are usually preferred to DNS due to their specificity. Principle 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid   is an  aromatic compound  that reacts with reducing sugars to form  3-amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid, which absorbs  light  strongly at 540  nm. 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid 3-amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid E. Determination of Glucose by Glucose Oxidase Method Glucose is a widely distributed simple sugar with an active aldehyde group. Estimation of glucose by glucose oxidase gives the true glucose concentration eliminating the interference by other reducing sugars. Principle Glucose oxidase catalyses the oxidation of alpha-D-glucose to D-glucono-1, 5 lactone (gluconic acid) with the formation of hydrogen peroxide. The oxygen liberated from hydrogen peroxide by peroxidase reacts with the O-dianisidine and oxidises it to a red chromophore product. Glucose + O2 H2O2 + Gluconic Acid (glucose oxidase) H 2O2 + O-dianisidine Red-coloured product (peroxidase) (540 nm) 3. MATERIALS REQUIRED I) Stock Solutions Glucose 1.6 M Glucose 4% (w/v) Sucrose 0.1 M Fructose 4% (w/v) II) Reagents Benedicts Reagent Step 1-Dissolve 173 g sodium citrate and 100 g sodium carbonate in about 500 mL water. Step 2-Heat to dissolve the salt Step 3-Dissolve 17.3 g copper sulphate in about 100 mL water and add it to the above solution with stirring and make up the volume to 1 L with water. Seliwanoffs Reagent Dissolve 0.05 gm resorcinol in 3N hydrochloric Acid. III) Miscellaneous Water Bath Test Tubes Clamps Conical Flasks Beakers Containers Test tube holders 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Benedicts Test Step 1- Pipette out 1 ml of glucose solution in some test tubes so that there is a triplicate for each set. Step 2- Pipette out 1ml of Distilled Water in one test tube which serves as blank and 1 ml of Sucrose solution (0.1M) in another which serves as a negative control. Step 3- Add 2 ml of Benedicts reagent in all the test tubes. Step 4-Transfer all five tubes to the boiling water bath provided and record the time for the appearance of precipitate. Step5- Make a subjective analysis of the colours observed. A scale of + to +++++ can be used to record the depth of the colour, from lightest to darkest. 4.11 Effect of variation in Carbohydrate Concentration (in M) The concentration of glucose was varied from 1.6 M to 1.6 mM keeping the reaction volume constant to 3 ml. The upper and the lower sensitivity limits and the optimum molar concentration of glucose was found for the test through subjective analysis. 4.12 Effect of Reaction Volume The reaction volume was reduced from 3 ml to 1.5 ml for all the concentrations of glucose ranging from 1.6 M to 1.6 mM to find any difference in the sensitivity range and the optimum molar concentration of glucose for the test. 4.13 Effect of variation in Carbohydrate Concentration (in %) The concentration of glucose was varied from 4% to 0.25%. Also the reaction volume was changed and the analysis was performed in two sets. The volume of reagent used was 5 ml whereas the volume of samples all concentrations in Set A and B were 50ÃŽ ¼l and 25ÃŽ ¼l respectively. 4.14 Effect of variation in Sample Volume The volume of glucose was varied for the same concentrations 4% to 0.25% to see the changes in the colour of solution obtained and at the same time find the upper and lower limits at which the test still remains sensitive. The analysis was performed in 6 sets with the following volumes of glucose: 200ÃŽ ¼l, 100ÃŽ ¼l, 50ÃŽ ¼l, 25ÃŽ ¼l, 12.5ÃŽ ¼l and 6.25ÃŽ ¼l. 4.15 Effect of Reaction Volume on the results obtained. Of the various sets tried 5 ml of Benedicts reagent and 200ÃŽ ¼l of sample gave the best results. To verify the consistency of results obtained the reaction volume was reduced. The analysis was performed in two sets. Set A with 2.5 ml of reagent and 100ÃŽ ¼l of sample and Set B with 1.25 ml of reagent and 50ÃŽ ¼l of sugar sample. 4.2 Seliwanoffs Test Step 1- Pipette out 1 ml of fructose solution in test tubes so that there is a triplicate for each set. Step 2-Pipette out 1ml of Distilled Water in one test tube which serves as blank. Step 3- Add 2 ml of Seliwanoffs reagent in all the test tubes. Step 4-Transfer all tubes to the boiling water bath for 2.5 mins. Step 5- Make a subjective analysis of the colours observed. A scale of + to +++++ can be used to record the depth of the colour, from lightest to darkest. 4.21 Effect of variation in carbohydrate concentration (in %) The concentration of fructose was varied from 4% to 0.015% keeping the reaction volume constant to 3 ml. The upper and the lower sensitivity limits and the optimum concentration of fructose were found for the test through subjective analysis. 5. OBSERVATIONS 5.1 Benedicts Test 5.11 Effect of variation in Carbohydrate Concentration (in M) A brick red precipitate was observed for all the concentrations of sample ranging from 1.6 M to 3.125 mM. But the last concentration of 1.6 mM showed a negligible amount of precipitate. Also once centrifuged the supernatant was found to be colourless for concentrations ranging from 1.6 M to 0.1 M. The supernatant was observed to be blue in concentrations ranging from 50 mm to 1.6 mM. Glucose (M) Colour Intensity 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.012 0.006 0.003 0.001 +++ ++++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ +++++ ++++ +++ ++ + 5.12 Effect of variation in Reaction Volume A brick red prcipitate was observed for all the concentrations of sample ranging from 1.6 M to 6.25 mM. Concentrations 3.125 mM and 1.5625 mM showed a negligible amount of precipitate. For concentrations 6.25 mM to 0.1 M there was an increase in the amount of precipitate observed with the highest amount formed in 0.1 M of sample. For the next two concentrations i.e. 0.2 M and 0.4 M the amount of precipitate formed was almost equal but again reduced for 0.8 M and 1.6 M glucose sample. Also after centrifugation the supernatant was found to be colourless for concentrations ranging from 1.6 M to 0.1 M. The supernatant was observed to be increasingly blue in concentrations ranging from 50 mm to 1.5625 mM. Glucose (M) Colour Intensity 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.012 0.006 0.003 0.001 +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++ ++++ +++ ++ + 5.13 Effect of variation in carbohydrate concentrations (in %) There was a brick red precipitate observed in for all the concentrations of sample ranging from 0.25% to 4% in both the sets. The highest amount of precipitate was observed for 1% sample but there was no consistency in results seen. Glucose (%) Set Set B 4.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.25 +++ + ++++ + ++ + +++ 5.14 Effect of variation in Sample Volume There was a variation in the colours obtained at different concentrations and volumes of sugar sample used. But sets with 12.5ÃŽ ¼l and 6.25ÃŽ ¼l of sugar did not show any noticeable changes in colour. Glucose (%) Set A Set B Set C Set D Set E Set F Set B Set C Set D Set E Set F 4.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 reddish brown brown green greenish blue dull blue brown green greenish blue dull blue green greenish blue dull blue blue blue greenish blue dull blue blue blue blue dull blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue 5.15 Effect of reduction in the reaction volume There was no change in the observations due to reduction in the reaction volume. Glucose (%) Set A Set B 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.25 reddish brown brown green greenish blue dull blue reddish brown brown green greenish blue dull blue 5.2 Seliwanoffs Test 5.21 Effect of variation in carbohydrate concentration (in %) A cherry red colour is observed for all the concentrations of fructose used but the intensity of colour obtained decreases with decrease in concentration. The lowest concentration used (0.015%) has a faint red colour. Also the colour of the solution intensifies with time if kept after boiling. Fructose (%) Colour Intensity 4.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.01 +++++++++ ++++++++ +++++++ ++++++ +++++ ++++ +++ ++ + 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Benedicts Test 6.11 Effect of variation in Carbohydrate Concentration (in M) It can be observed that 0.1 M is the optimum concentration of sugar for Benedicts reaction with the reaction volume of 3 ml since the highest amount of precipitate is formed at 0.1 M. Also the supernatant obtained after centrifugation is colourless which suggests that the reaction is completed and there is no unused reagent left. Concentrations less than 0.1 M show decreasing amounts of precipitate and the colour of the supernatant is also increasingly blue. This suggests that as the concentration of sugar is lowered the amount of unreacted Benedicts reagent increases which leaves the solution blue even after the reaction completes. 1.6 mM sugar sample shows a negligible amount of precipitate formation which suggests that the reaction is not sensitive for concentrations lower than 1.6 mM. For concentrations higher than 0.1 M the amount of precipitate formed again decreases with increase in concentration which suggests that the concentration is too high as compared to the amount of reagent used and hence no more precipitate is formed after the reaction completes. 6.12 Effect of variation in Reaction Volume The reaction volume was reduced to half but has no effect on the results of the experiment. 0.1 M is the optimum concentration of sugar for the reaction with the reaction volume of 3 ml since the highest amount of precipitate is formed at 0.1 M. Also the supernatant obtained after centrifugation is colourless which suggests that the reaction is complete and there is no unused reagent left. Concentrations less than 0.1 M show decreasing amounts of precipitate and the colour of the supernatant is also increasingly blue. This suggests that as the concentration of sugar is lowered, the amount of unreacted reagent increases which leaves the solution blue even after the reaction completes. 3mM and 1.6 mM sugar samples show a negligible amount of precipitate formation which suggests that the reaction is not sensitive for concentrations lower than 3 mM with a reaction volume of 1.5 ml. For concentrations higher than 0.1 M, the amount of precipitate formed again decreases with increase in concentration which suggests that the concentration is too high as compared to the amount of reagent used and hence no more precipitate is formed after the reaction completes. 6.13 Effect of variation in carbohydrate concentrations (in %) The highest amount of precipitate was formed in 1% sugar sample but there was no consistency in the observations due to incorrect preparation of reagent. During the preparation of reagent instead of mixing Sodium citrate and Copper Sulphate together in hot water they were dissolved separately and then mixed. Also the solution was not made up to 500 ml with distilled water rather measured amount of water was added to the solution to make it 500 ml which made the solution dilute and hence gave incorrect results. 6.14 Effect of variation in Sample Volume Different volumes of sugar were tried for all the different concentrations. There was a variation in the colours obtained. 200ÃŽ ¼l of sugar reacted with 5 ml of reagent showed maximum variation in colours at different concentrations: Reddish Brown, Brown, Green, Greenish blue and dull blue obtained at 4%, 2%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.25% respectively. Sets with 12.5ÃŽ ¼l and 6.25ÃŽ ¼l of sugar volume did not show any noticeable changes in colour which suggest that the volume of sugar solution was not enough for the reaction to take place. 6.15 Effect of reduction in the reaction volume Reduction in the reaction volume made no difference to the variation in colours obtained at different concentrations of sugar which suggests that Benedicts reagent and glucose can be reacted in this ratio in any volume to estimate the concentration of glucose present in an unknown sample. 6.2 Seliwanoffs Test 6.21 Effect of variation in carbohydrate concentration (in %) A cherry red colour is observed for all the concentrations of Fructose used but the intensity of colour obtained decreases with decrease in concentration. The highest intensity is observed at 4% sugar concentration. 0.015% which is the lowest concentration of sugar used gives a very faint red colour which cannot be taken as pos

Monday, August 19, 2019

GYM PAPER :: essays research papers

Why I signed up for aerobics fitness and what it has done for me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I decided to sign up for aerobics/fitness because I thought it would do more for me physically and mentally than normal gym would. Personally I believe that normal gym is boring and if you’re not good at some sports like me it can be difficult to concentrate or even really care about gym class. When I took gym I personally didn’t care or really try hard. Now to this day it makes me disappointed, I wish I would have tried harder in what we were doing or what sport we’d be playing but I always felt no interest or left out. I liked some of the sports don’t get me wrong†¦ for example I really enjoyed and tried when we would play Soccer, Basketball, and volleyball. Yet then again I didn’t favor too much Baseball, track, and swimming. I always felt uncomfortable in normal gym to. I was never really comfortable with the people whom I was in class with. But this year everything, my thoughts and ideas about a diff erent kind of gym changed. I singed up for aerobics fitness because I thought it would help me in what I wanted to accomplish. I didn’t want to play sports I wanted to build my muscles. This year singing up for aerobics fitness was one of the best ideas I ever had. I can really say that I enjoyed this class more than most others. Aerobics fitness has helped me physically. I can run with out getting winded right away and I can lift weight I never thought I could lift. I can already tell a difference in my body. My legs are stronger and more muscular along with my arms. I am more active at home. I lost weight thanks to the class. Aerobics fitness has changed me in a couple ways. It though me to try harder in what I do. It thought me to set more goals for my self and beat them. I liked my classmates this year, which I think, helped me with being comfortable with the class. In this class I really enjoyed swimming. The game days are alright but I really like the way we rotate from weight lifting on the benches and on the different machines to the videos, the videos help a lot because after there done some times the next day you can feel it in your legs and arms.

Hucks Conflicted Character in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleber

Huck's Conflicted Character in Twain’s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn The first eleven chapters of Adventures establish Huck's character prior to his journey on the river with Jim. Dealing with external difficulty is easy for Huck, as he consistently adapts to his environments; however, his actions contradict his desires, revealing that Huck is conflicted. Initially, religion is appealing to Huck when the Widow Douglas tries teaching him: "After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers; and I was in a sweat to find out all about him" (220). Salvation seems possible to Huck, but he prefers to go to the "bad place" instead of spending eternity with Miss Watson (221); also, he abandons the concept of morality as a result of Miss Watson imposing it upon him. "I couldn't see no advantage about [helping others] at last I reckoned I wouldn't worry about it anymore, but just let it go" (226). Huck does not realize that he is not a selfish person, but resolves to sacrifice salvation instead of living selflessly simply because of the source and c...